Custom configuration options in the theme

Get to know all the awesome configurations Vibrant Shadows Hugo theme has to offer.

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Here, we will mainly see settings that are unique to this theme. This page may not be updated with latest docs. Read this Readme file to know the latest updated configuration options.

Global Parameters (site-level):

These options set global values that some pages or all pages in the site use by default.

Vibrant Shadow’s custom parameters

All these properties come under Hugo’s built-in property, params.


  footerMessage: "Awesome footer message"

Let’s see them one by one.

  1. Social (Type: Map/Dict/Object | Accepts value: - | Highly Recommended | No default)

    It stores information related to your social media profiles. It contains:

    1. Profiles (Type: Map/Dict/Object | Accepts value: - | Highly Recommended | No default)

      It stores your social media profiles. These are showcased as per your preference.

      Supported platforms

      facebook: "#"
      twitter: "#"
      github: "#"
      gitlab: "#"
      steam: "#"
      instagram: "#"
      youtube: "#"
      pinterest: "#"
      linkedin: "#"
      reddit: "#"
      flickr: "#"
      deviantart: "#"
      vk: "#"
      mastodon: "#"
      bandcamp: "#"
      tumblr: "#"
      medium: "#"
      wikipedia: "#"

      To be supported in future:

      paypal: "#"
      slack: "#"
      twitch: "#"
      stackoverflow: "#"
      shutterstock: "#"
      soundcloud: "#"
      codepen: "#"

    2. Share (Type: Array | Accepts value: “facebook”, “twitter”, “linkedin”, “whatsapp”, “reddit”, “email” | Optional | No default)

      Specify the name of social media platforms that you want your articles to be able to be shared on. You also need to set value in position parameter, for share icons to be displayed.


        facebook: ""
        twitter: ""
        github: ""
        gitlab: ""
      share: ["facebook", "twitter", "linkedin", "telegram", "whatsapp", "reddit", "email"]
  2. Meta (Type: Map/Dict/Object | Accepts value: - | Required/Optional)

    1. Author (Type: String | Accepts value: Text | Required | No default)

      It stores website-wide author(s). We won’t be using site.Authors till it is finalised. See here.


      author: "The Great Authors"
    2. Footer Message (Type: String | Accepts value: Text | Optional | No default)

      It is shown in footer above footer links.


      footerMessage: "Awesome footer message"
    3. Tagline (Type: String | Accepts value: Text | Required | No default)

      It is the tagline of the website/blog. It’s displayed in website title, and on homepage.


      tagline: "A blog to satisfy you needs"
    4. Description (Type: String | Accepts value: Text | Required | No default)

      It is the description of website/blog and should include website/blog title (brand name) at least once, for great SEO benefits. Recommended character length: 50 to 160.


      description: "A really great description!"
    5. Content License (Type: String | Accepts value: Text | Required | No default)

      It is the license under which website/blog’s content is distributed. It should be same as that specified in field ‘copyright’ above.


      contentLicense: "All rights reserved." # Another example: 'CC-BY-SA-3.0'
    6. Title Separator (Type: String | Accepts value: Text | Optional | Default: " | “)

      It is used in website/blog title, to separate (say) page title from website/blog title.


      titleSeparator: " | "
    7. Attribution (Type: String | Accepts value: enable/disable | Optional | Default: “enable”)

      Allows to attribute Hugo team for awesome software and Softorage for great theme.


      attribution: "enable"
  3. Brand (Type: Map/Dict/Object | Accepts value: - | Highly Recommended)

    It stores brand related information. It contains:

    1. Name (Type: String | Accepts value: Text | Required | No default)

      It’s the Brand’s Name, usually just one/two word that is name of the brand.

    2. Logo (Type: String | Accepts value: URL | Required | No default)

      It’s path (preferably relative path) to brand’s logo.

    3. Color (Type: String | Accepts value: HEX/RGBA | Required | No default)

      It’s the color to be shown on scroll for brand name on navbar.

    4. Navbar Config (Type: Array | Accepts value: “logo”, “name” | Optional | Default: [“logo”, “name”])

      It determines whether brand’s logo and/or name should be visible on navbar.


      name: "ExampleBlog"
      logo: "/assets/logo.png"
      color: "#7d1fa5"
      navbar: ["logo", "name"]
  4. Theme (Type: Map/Dict/Object | Accepts value: - | Optional)

    You can specify custom color pallet to form look for the website/blog of your own liking. It contains:

    1. Nav (Type: String | Accepts value: HEX/RGBA | Optional | Default: “#ffffff”)

      It’s navbar’s background color.

    2. Antinav (Type: String | Accepts value: HEX/RGBA | Optional | Default: “#000000”)

      It’s a color in good contrast to nav.

    3. Mat (Type: String | Accepts value: HEX/RGBA | Optional | Default: “#f9f9f9”)

      It’s background color for cards (not of cards). It applies to the background on which cards are placed.

    4. Color-1 (Type: String | Accepts value: HEX/RGBA | Optional | Default: “#7d1fa5”)

      It’s color-1 in the hero gradient. It is used throughout the theme.

    5. Color-2 (Type: String | Accepts value: HEX/RGBA | Optional | Default: “#6d19fc”)

      It’s color-2 in the hero gradient. It is used throughout the theme.

    6. Borders (Type: String | Accepts value: rounded/square | Optional | Default: “rounded”)

      Here, specify what kind of borders do you like for elements, like buttons.


      nav: "#ffffff"
      antinav: "#000000"
      mat: "#f9f9f9"
      clr1: "#7d1fa5"
      clr2: "#6d19fc"
      borders: "rounded"
  5. Position (Type: Map/Dict/Object | Accepts value: - | Optional with caevets)

    It lets you customize what elements should be displayed and where. It contains:

    1. Social (Type: Map/Dict/Object | Accepts value: - | Optional)

      1. Profiles (Type: String | Accepts value: footer/navbar | Optional | Default: “footer”)

        It lets you customize where you want your social profiles to appear. You may use ’navbar’ if number of items in main menu and social profiles are minimal, otherwise ‘footer’ is recommended.

      2. Share (Type: String | Accepts value: top/bottom | Optional | No default)

        It lets you customize where you want your social sharing buttons to appear on a blog post.

    2. Menu on Navbar (Type: String | Accepts value: right/left | Optional | Default: “right”)

      It lets you customize the position of main menu on navbar.

    3. Post’s Meta (Type: Map/Dict/Object | Accepts value: - | Optional | No default)

      It lets you customize which elements from post’s meta should be displayed, where and how. It contains: readingTime - wordCount - author - lastUpdated - tags (Type: Map/Dict/Object | Accepts value: - | Optional | No default) It lets you customize where - summary/content - you want to show a post’s ‘reading time’, ‘words count’, ‘author’, ’last updated on’, ’tags’ and how - top/bottom.


        profiles: "footer"
        share: "bottom"
      navbarMenu: "right"
          summary: "top"
          content: "top"
          summary: "top"
          content: "top"
          summary: "top"
          content: "top"
          summary: "top"
          content: "top"
          summary: "top"
          content: "bottom"
  6. Fonts (Type: Map/Dict/Object | Accepts value: - | Optional )

    It lets you customize the fonts for various types of text elements, and in general too.

    Let’s see this customization property with an example:

        family: "Lato" # must match to a css font-family | default: "Lato"
        #cdnLink: "" # a link tag for font other than Lato and Roboto | recommended
        list: ["h1"] # accepts array of values: "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6" | default: ["h1"]
        family: "Lato" # must match to a css font-family | default: "Lato"
        #cdnLink: "" # a link tag for font other than Lato and Roboto | recommended
        family: "Lato" # must match to a css font-family | default: "Lato"
        #cdnLink: "" # a link tag for font other than Lato and Roboto | recommended
        family: "Lato" # must match to a css font-family | default: "Lato"
        #cdnLink: "" # a link tag for font other than Lato and Roboto | recommended
        family: "Lato" # must match to a css font-family | default: "Lato"
        #cdnLink: "" # a link tag for font other than Lato and Roboto | recommended
        family: "Lato" # must match to a css font-family | default: "Lato"
        #cdnLink: "" # a link tag for font other than Lato and Roboto | recommended
        family: "Lato" # must match to a css font-family | default: "Lato"
        #cdnLink: "" # a link tag for font other than Lato and Roboto | recommended
  7. Favicon Tags (Type: String | Accepts value: Text | Optional | No default)

    It stores HTML tags for your favicon (see example below). We recommend you to ensure that you have "purpose": "maskable" set for one icon in your site.webmanifest file (helps for PWA). We recommend since it’s easy to use and free. By the way, we are not affiliated with them. We just like their product!


    faviconTags: |
      <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="/assets/favicon/apple-touch-icon.png">
      <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="32x32" href="/assets/favicon/favicon-32x32.png">
      <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="16x16" href="/assets/favicon/favicon-16x16.png">
      <link rel="manifest" href="/assets/favicon/site.webmanifest">
      <link rel="mask-icon" href="/assets/favicon/safari-pinned-tab.svg" color="#525252">
      <link rel="icon" href="/assets/favicon/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">
      <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/assets/favicon/favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon">
      <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-title" content="ExampleBlog">
      <meta name="application-name" content="ExampleBlog">
      <meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="#fff6f8">
      <meta name="msapplication-config" content="/assets/favicon/browserconfig.xml">  
  8. Custom Verification (Type: Map/Dict/Object | Accepts value: - | Optional)

    It lets you verify your website on multiple reputed services.


    myWOT: "ba8579f668r8w3g62503" # verification key here is dummy
  9. SEO (Type: Map/Dict/Object | Accepts value: - | Optional)

    It lets you customize SEO properties of the website/blog, to help you shine :grinning: It contains:

    1. Switch (Type: String | Accepts value: on/off | Optional | Default: “on”)

      A switch which lets you turn on all the good SEO meta tags.

    2. Twitter (Type: Map/Dict/Object | Accepts value: - | Optional)

      Info about your Twitter account, and presentation of blog posts on Twitter when they are shared. It contains:

      1. Card (Type: String | Accepts value: enable/disable | Optional | Default: “enable”)

        Optimizes the website/blog, when it is shared on Twitter.

      2. Handle (Type: String | Accepts value: Text | Optional | No default)

        It is Twitter handle of the website-wide author, without ‘@’.

    3. Facebook (Type: Map/Dict/Object | Accepts value: - | Optional)

      Info about your Facebook account, and presentation of blog posts on Facebook when they are shared. It contains:

      1. OpenGraph (Type: String | Accepts value: enable/disable | Optional | Default: “enable”)

        Optimizes the website/blog, when it is shared on Facebook.

      2. App ID (Type: String | Accepts value: Text | Optional | No default)

        Website/blog’s Facebook App ID (if any)

    4. JSON-LD (Type: String | Accepts value: enable/disable | Optional | Default: “enable”)

      Improves ability of search engines to better index and understand the website/blog. Helps in SEO optimization.

    5. Speed Mode (Type: String | Accepts value: enable/disable | Highly Recommended | Default: “disable”)

      Enabling “Speed Mode” would make the website/blog extremely fast and lightweight, providing a snappy experience to website/blog visitors. “Speed Mode” utilises PostCSS via Hugo’s Asset Pipeline. Note that, “Speed Mode” works in production environment only. Since many Hugo users do not have Hugo’s extended version, this option is disabled by default.


      switch: "on"
        card: "enable"
        handle: "Great"
        openGraph: "enable"
        appID: "170405085280305" # it is just for illustration purpose
      jsonLD: "enable"
      speedMode: "enable"
  10. Cookie Consent (Type: Map/Dict/Object | Accepts value: - | Optional)

    It allows you to present a ‘Cookie Consent’ dialog to your users, to help them decide their privacy settings, when they browse your website. It contains:

    1. Switch (Type: String | Accepts value: on/off | Optional | Default: “off”)

      It lets you choose whether you want to show a Cookie Consent dialog to your users.

    2. Type (Type: String | Accepts value: opt-in/opt-out/none | Required | No default)

      In ‘opt-in’, website doesn’t employ cookies to user’s computer unless user gives cosent to opt in. In ‘opt-out’, cookies are employed on user’s computer and the user is given the choice to opt out of cookies. In ’none’, cookies are employed on the user’s computer and user is not given a choice in that regard. We recommend to refrain from using none, unless you have zero customers from EU or similar countries with privacy protecting laws.

    3. Revokable (Type: Boolean | Accepts value: true/false | Optional | Default: true)

      When set to true, a button to revoke cookie consent appears when the user hover in bottom area of the screen, regardless whether user’s country requires revertable cookie consent.

    4. Colors (Type: Map/Dict/Object | Accepts value: - | Optional)

      It lets you customize the colors for Cookie Consent dialog. It contains:

      1. Banner (Type: Map/Dict/Object | Accepts value: - | Optional)

        It lets you customize colors of banner for Cookie Consent. It contains: background and text.

      2. Button (Type: Map/Dict/Object | Accepts value: - | Optional)

        It lets you customize colors of button for Cookie Consent. It contains: background and text.

    5. Content (Type: Map/Dict/Object | Accepts value: - | Required)

      It lets you customize the content you wish to show on Cookie Consent dialog. It contains:

      1. Message (Type: String | Accepts value: Text | Required | No default)

        It lets you customize the message to be shown in Cookie Consent. You can even use <a>-anchor tags to hyperlink words.

      2. Dismiss (Type: String | Accepts value: Text | Optional | Default: “Close”)

        It’s the text on the button that dismisses the popup/banner.

      3. Link Text (Type: String | Accepts value: Text | Optional | Default: “Learn more”)

        This text appears after the message and is hyperlinked to linkURL.

      4. Link URL (Type: String | Accepts value: Text | Required | No default)

        It’s the url of location where user should be directed when they click “Learn more”.

      5. Allow (Type: String | Accepts value: Text | Optional |Default: “Allow”)

        It is the text on the button that allows cookies.

      6. Deny (Type: String | Accepts value: Text | Optional | Default: “Decline”)

        It is the text on the button that denies cookies.

      7. Policy (Type: String | Accepts value: Text | Optional | Default: “Cookie Consent”)

        It is the text that appears on the button, when user’s country requires revokable cookie consent.


    cookieConsent: # we use OSANO Cookie Consent solution
      switch: "on"
      type: "opt-in"
      revokable: true
          background: "#ffffff"
          text: "#000000"
          background: "#6d19fc"
          text: "#ffffff"
      content: # change the links below to appropriate url addresses
        message: |
          By continuing to use this website, you agree to our <a href='/legal/privacy-policy/'>Privacy Policy</a>, <a href='/legal/cookie-policy/'>Cookie Policy</a> and our <a href='/legal/terms-and-conditions/'>Terms and Conditions</a> for your use of this website.      
        dismiss: "Close"
        linkText: "Learn more"
        linkURL: "/legal/privacy-policy/"
        allow: "Allow"
        deny: "Decline"
        policy: "Cookie Consent"
  11. User Experience (Type: Map/Dict/Object | Accepts value: - | Optional)

    It contains settings that let’s you customize your user’s website/blog experience.

    1. Google Analytics Loading (Type: String | Accepts value: sync/async | Optional | Default: “sync”)

      It helps you customize whether Google Analytics JavaScript file loads ‘Synchronously’ or ‘Asynchronously’.


      googleAnalyticsLoading: "sync"
  12. Main Sections (Type: Array | Accepts value: Section names | Highly Recommended)

    This is Hugo’s native feature that let’s you specify which sections are to be treated as Main Sections. A very general and common example of Main Section is post or posts section (hence they are often called Blog Directories). If nothing is specified, the section with the highest number of content files is treated as a Main Section. For more info, see the Hugo docs.


    mainSections: ["post"]