Hugo's built-in global configurations

Get to know the Hugo's built-in configurations relevant to Vibrant Shadows Hugo theme.

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Options that Hugo has built-in and are relevant to this theme. If something is not covered here (or elsewhere in this file), there’s a good chance it is covered in this Hugo docs page.

Global Parameters (site-level):

These options set global values that some pages or all pages in the site use by default.

Hugo’s built-in global parameters

  1. BaseURL (Type: String | Accepts value: URL | Required | No default)

    baseURL is the URL of the website or blog.


    baseurl: ""
  2. Title (Type: String | Accepts value: Text | Required | No default)

    It is the title of the website or blog. Title is usually same as brand name.


    title: "ExampleBlog"
  3. Author (Type: String | Accepts value: Text | Required | No default)

    We won’t be using site.Authors till this parameter is finalised. See here.

    1. Copyright (Type: String | Accepts value: Text | Optional | No default)

    It is the copyright text. Due consideration should be given to ‘brandName or title’ and ‘contentLicense’ specified in configuration file. Note that it isn’t used in footer, but only in defualt RSS template.


    copyright: "Copyright © 2020 ExampleBlog. All rights reserved."
  4. Language Code (Type: String | Accepts value: Text | Recommended | No default)

    It stores the language code for the website or blog.


    languageCode: "en-us"
  5. Theme (Type: String | Accepts value: Text | Required | No default)

    This is the name of the theme you are using.


    theme: "HugoTheme-VibrantShadows"
  6. Google Analytics (Type: String | Accepts value: Alphanumeric | Optional | No default)

    It is your Google Analytics ID, if any. Respecting your preference from ‘privacy’, and ‘params -> user_experience’ configuration, if you set this value, Google Analytics code will be included. Google Analytics included only when serving the website on ‘production’ environment (i.e. website built with hugo command and not hugo serve)


    googleAnalytics: "UA-123456789-0"
  7. Disqus Shortname (Type: String | Accepts value: Alphanumeric | Optional | No default)

    It is your Disqus Shortname, if any. Respecting your preference from ‘privacy’, if you set this value, Disqus comments code will be included at the end of the blog posts. Disqus comments are shown only when serving the website on ‘production’ environment (i.e. website built with hugo command and not hugo serve)


    disqusShortname: "yourdiscussshortname"
  8. Taxonomies (Type: Map/Dict/Object | Accepts value: - | Optional | Default: Tags & Categories)

    This feature allows to define custom taxonomies for post/page management.


      tag: "tags" # when defining custom taxonomies, we need to redefine even the default taxonomies if we wish to keep them, hence we have redefined 'tags'. see here:
      category: "categories" # redefined 'categories'
      series: "series" # defined a custom taxonomy, 'series'
  9. Menus (Type: Map/Dict/Object | Accepts value: - | Optional | No default)

    These are the menus that are used by users to navigate the website/blog. An example would be ‘main’ menu, which usually resides on navbar.


        - identifier: "about" # different for all menu entries, useful especially when menu name coincides
          name: "About" # shown on website/blog
          url: "/about/" # user is taken to this url when user clicks on menu item
          weight: 10 # used to sort menu items by weight
        - identifier: "sub-about"
          name: "Sub About"
          url: "/sub-about/"
          parent: "about"
          weight: 1
  10. Build Stats (Type: Map/Dict/Object | Accepts value: - | Required)

    With this, Hugo notes some stats about website, which are then used by CSS processors.


      writeStats: true
  11. Privacy (Type: Map/Dict/Object | Accepts value: - | Optional)

    This feature allows to maintain optimal privacy settings for the website/blog. You can see full list of privacy settings here, and their explanation here.


        disable: "false" # | default: false
        anonymizeIP: "true" # 'true' makes it so the users' IP addresses are anonymized within Google Analytics | default: false
        disable: "false" # | default: false
        respectDoNotTrack: "false" # 'true' makes the GA templates respect the “Do Not Track” HTTP header | default: false
        useSessionStorage: "false" # 'true' disables the use of Cookies and use Session Storage to Store the GA Client ID | default: false